Watchwomen in the Watchtower

Watchwomen in the Watchtower

Women are the “watchman or watchwoman” of the home.

Are you watching over your home?  

 Women have the divine responsibility of being watchmen of their homes. We are the ones who have the privilege of taking care of and loving our children and homes. There is a reason God designed it this way. He knows that we are fighters, willing to do anything to protect our own. We have the duty of teaching our children the ways of God and raising them in truth in a world that fights hard to confuse and rob them of their innocence. (Proverbs 22:6, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”) A watchman in a watchtower is a sentry who looks out for approaching dangers and warns of them. 


What is a sentry? 

sen·try/ˈ sentrē/ noun

a soldier stationed to keep guard or to control access to a place. 


In the Bible, watchmen were often prophets who warned the people of Israel of impending destruction. They were held accountable if they failed to warn the people, and the people's blood was on them if they did not heed the warning. We should be mindful and intentional of what is allowed to come into our home spiritually. Remember we are fighting a spiritual war. A war that is not seen with our physical eyes but that can manifest from the spiritual realm into the physical realm. Ephesians 6:9 tells us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” 

We are not fighting our husbands, our children, or the people we live with. Rather we are in an active spiritual fight that we do not typically physical see. 


What do the watchman do?  

Their duties include: 

  • Protecting: Watchmen protect cities, fields, vineyards, or pastures from danger. (Protecting our children from movies, apps, music, or anything that would actively seek to distort, confuse, or oppose the word of God.) 


  • Observing: Watchmen are stationed in towers or on walls to observe approaching dangers.  

(Observation is key! What is happening that the enemy is trying to distract me from seeing? Are our children acting out in a certain way? Is there an unending and exhausting season of sickness in my home? Are my children fearful or restless at night, battling nightmares? Are my husband and I fighting constantly? Do I feel the peace and presence of God in my home? If not, pray that the Lord reveal to you what is preventing his Holy Spirit from being welcomed into and filling your home.) 


  • Warning: Watchmen warn of approaching dangers by blowing a trumpet.  

(The Holy Spirit will warn us when there is a spiritual attack coming or underway. We need to be actively ready and obedient in responding.) 


  • Inspecting: Watchmen may also inspect city streets.  

(Unpopular opinion, but you have the right to go through your teenagers' things IF the Holy Spirit prompts you to do so! Would you allow windows or doorways to be open into your home that would usher in demonic strongholds or oppression? No! SO, IF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS SPEAKING TO YOU, LISTEN. YOU ARE THE WATCHMAN OF YOUR CHILDREN AND HOME.) 


  • Responding: People may ask watchmen if all is well during dangerous hours. 

(Seek God in continual fervent prayer and reading his word daily. Jeremiah 29:13 assures us, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”) GOD IS FOR YOU. (Romans 8:31) 

 How do we respond? 

By reclaiming YOUR territory! Command every evil to leave in Jesus' name.  

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” Luke 10:19 

 *Anoint your home frequently. (We use olive oil in our home for anointing.)

 “Get the anointing oil. Anoint the holy tent and everything in it. Set apart the holy tent and everything that belongs to it. Then it will be holy. (Exodus 40:9) 

 - The anointing with oil is frequently mentioned in Scripture, spanning both the Old and New Testaments.   

  - Symbolism of oil is prevalent throughout the Bible.   

  - Oil typically represents blessing and stability.   

  - Oil possesses sanctifying (cleansing) qualities.

-When oil is poured on a person or object, it signifies that it has been set apart as a blessed item for the Lord.   

  - Oil was applied to the heads of priests and used throughout the Tabernacle.   

  - Mary anoints Jesus’ feet as an expression of worship.   

  - The practice of pouring oil on the sick was part of the healing process (Mark 6:13).   

  - When Jesus is referred to as "anointed," it is understood to mean by the Holy Spirit.   

  - Anointing something with oil often signifies that it is set apart for God’s service.   

  - Oil often symbolizes the anticipated work of the Holy Spirit.   

  - During Passover, the Hebrews would anoint the top and side posts of their doors with blood.   

 - It's crucial to understand that the oil itself is not magical. Instead, it acts as a point of contact during prayer. Like the Hebrews, we stand in faith that as we pray and anoint our homes, the Lord will safeguard us from any evil entering our space.   

  *Ultimately, the emphasis of the prayer and anointing lies in your faith and the work of the Holy Spirit, rather than in the oil itself. 



The enemy does NOT want us to know our authoritative role of being a watchman because if we did, he would not be able to wreak havoc in our homes, our children, our marriages, and in our family. If a solider were not attentive at his/her post, the enemy would be able to invade claimed territory without pushback; without a fight. Are we a sleepy or distracted soldier? If a burglar were to try to come into our home and steal what is rightfully ours, would we let him? NO! WE’D DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING WITHIN OUR POWER TO MAKE HIM LEAVE.  

 So are we doing the same spiritually? 

 The enemy/satan/the deceiver’s primary and only mission and objectives are to steal kill and destroy. (John 10:10 tells us that, “The thief (satan) comes only to stay and kill, and destroy…) But notice on what comes afterwards, Jesus says, “but I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus has embedded into our DNA as a woman to be a warrior/a fighter because we have a natural instinct to protect our offspring. For everything in the physical there is something also in the spiritual, meaning we also were created to fight in the spiritual warfare as well. 


What should we do? How do we fight? 

 1.) Start with prayer. 

 Approach God with humility and invite Him into your home. Begin by asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any aspects of your environment that may be inadvertently welcoming in the enemy. Often, these may be elements we overlook or have grown desensitized to. Frequently, it is our own behavior that creates an opening for the enemy, even if we are unaware of it. If nothing specific arises, consider walking through each room while praying, asking God to illuminate anything that needs to be removed. 

 Don’t forget things like: 

 -Media or Books: Watching paranormal shows, TikToks, movies, etc. 

-Pornography: Magazines, movies, etc. 

-Jewelry: symbols of other religions, ojo, pentagrams, skulls, etc. 

 God may reveal to you certain elements that, while seemingly insignificant to others, may represent a personal idol or evoke memories that lead to sin. By removing items that symbolize sin and evil, you actively confront those negative influences, thereby revoking their permission to inhabit your space. 

  Scripture provides the example of Jesus cleansing the Temple. As He entered the Temple, He removed elements that did not honor God. Similarly, just as Jesus exercised authority over the Temple, you possess the authority to govern your own home. As a believer in Jesus, you are empowered to resist evil, as this authority has been granted to us by Him. 

2.) Anoint your home while you pray. Be sure to anoint your doors and windows.  

Don’t overcomplicate this or think you can’t do it. The enemy wants nothing more than to convince you that he is stronger than you. But the truth is that through Jesus, the Holy Spirit that is in you is more powerful than anything the enemy can throw your way. ("You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. -1 John 4:4")

  •  Start by taking a little bit of oil on your finger and rubbing it on the corners of your doors and windows as you pray. If possible, have your whole family participate. It’s important to teach our children about the power of the Holy Spirit. Here is an example prayer to guide you, but listen to the Holy Spirit in this and pray as you are led. 


“Dear God, 

Please bless this entryway in Jesus’ name. Please guard all who enter and leave. Let nothing enter this house that is not of you, in Jesus’ name. I command any unclean thing that is not of you to leave immediately in Jesus’ name. May this home be blessed by you and honor you. Amen.” 

Repeat the process on all doors, windows, and closets, and anoint all corners of the home and property, including driveways.  


*As you are praying, it’s also important to remember that you are not asking spirits to leave; you are commanding them to. * 

 You could say something like:  

“In the name of Jesus, I command that right now every spirit that is not of God to leave this place. This home is spoken for and is covered by the blood of Jesus, I will not allow or tolerate any unclean or demonic spirits to reside here. I bind you in the blood of Jesus and command you never to return. 

“Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth with be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:15 

 You can also ask out loud for the Holy Spirit to fill your home, protect your family, and for God to send angels to protect your family.  



3.) Teach your children the Word of God and his ways. 

 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12 lines out how we should deal with our children. 

“For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.” 


We should.... 

1.) Encourage them. 

2.) Comfort them. 

3.) Urge them to live a life worthy of God. 


Ephesians 6:4 “Parents do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and the instruction of the Lord.” NIV 

The Complete Jewish Bible version says it this way, “Parents don’t irritate your children and make them resentful; instead raise them with the Lord’s kind of discipline and guidance.” 



So, take courage woman of God! Yes, this is a fight but it’s a fight you ARE NOT fighting alone! Cover your home, your children, and your husband in prayer. Fight the good fight and don’t give up! (But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31) The Hebrew word for “wait” in this verse is “QAVAH”. It means to wait with eagerness, anticipation and activity! We cannot afford to be inactive women of faith. We must activate our faith and pick up our swords and fight the enemy! We cannot allow him to steal, kill, or destroy what is rightfully ours! Reclaim your territory! We’re in this together, you got this, Mama!  


(I bought a small set of these beautiful glass vials from my nearby Dollar Tree and filled them with organic olive oil from my local grocery store. While the source of the oil isn't the main concern, what truly matters is the faith that is activated during the anointing process.) 



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